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Reconciliation Stories - 2020
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It is a social research and transmedia creation project that compiles the stories of violence of victims in Colombia and interprets them artistically to allow the construction of symbolic memory.

It will be released in theaters on July 10, 2021.

We do not have time
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Short winner of the Festival enVIVO Valle 2019

We contemporaries each live our joys, tragedies and passions in isolation, in engraving drawings these situations can be interpreted, the beautiful drama of the moment, and try to relate them, but both the series of engravings by various artists tend to fragmentation, as the reality of the current being. In the end each representation is left alone. The building of the world. Each one at his window.

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In development 2022/2023

In the year 2184, Galaxy Corporation INC controls access to knowledge. The Eternautas are the last defenders of knowledge and culture. Two wise men discover Selene Voltio's letters to Leon Roswell, where  are reported  the origins of the Lunar Library, the failed mission of the Voltio Family on their journey from Mars to Earth, the emergence of love between Selene and León, their effort to transfer the books and works of art from the National Library of Bogotá City to the Moon and hand them over to the rebellious Eternautas.

each one at his window
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Short winner of the Festival enVIVO Valle 2019

We contemporaries each live our joys, tragedies and passions in isolation, in engraving drawings these situations can be interpreted, the beautiful drama of the moment, and try to relate them, but both the series of engravings by various artists tend to fragmentation, as the reality of the current being. In the end each representation is left alone. The building of the world. Each one at his window.

The passenger of the night
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Animation drawn in ink. Isaac Ink drags a corpse through the bowels of a city of confusing geometry and labyrinthine architecture. Along the way he meets sinister incarnations of science and technology, presented as oppressors of contemporary man. A shred of humanity survives in the music, the dance, and the sex, in the figure of a colorful jester who briefly lights Mr. Ink's shadowy path.

The strange omens of León Prosak

León Prozak rents his head to Mefistófeles to propose some Circus numbers and the animated paintings touch on various themes that characterize their authors, such as politics, in the case of Zalamea or Adriana Espinoza who makes portraits of the disappeared. Rafael Dussan and Daniel Winograd wonder about eroticism. A varied palette of authors express their vision of the world through painting and drawing on film.

the dark forest
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Although hell is not recreated, but rather the antechamber, its images make one fear what is approaching: after death comes a tunnel, after which is the entrance to hell. But here ends The Dark Forest.

the garden of secrets
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Mystical experience around a cup of tea. 2014

Animated cinema as "the architecture of time", which enables the free, non-linear construction of more human-friendly manifestations.


The main objective of these fragments is none other than to present viewers with a sum of images of what has remained of Colombian cinema from past times, using the criterion of choosing the best shots from the aesthetic point of view, contextualizing the same time¸ with different historical events. Sometimes pathetic, laughable or moving others, these images, seen this way, speak to us poetically of the passage of time and show us not only how much we have lost, but how much we can still gain if we dedicate more effort and love to the diminished vestiges that it has left us. the indolence 1999

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Mar de Fondo / Hondoko Itsasoa is the result of a workshop produced in collaboration between Arteleku (San Sebastián, Spain), Javeriana University (Bogotá, Colombia) and the University of Southern California (Los Angeles, USA).

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The central theme is the passage of time. It manifests itself in life and death. Three pendular situations: Life expressed in field trips, in happy and colorful fantasy. In the center of this movement, a child swings his feet and spins the images and at the other end a night where the inhabitants of a community were attacked.

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